2025 SUMMER CAMP- Registration now open!
HVAC Summer Camps are Monday thru Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00PM. Kids will enjoy a variety of activities including basketball, soccer, baseball, flag football, volleyball, hockey, nerf wars, arts and crafts, board games, movies, gaga ball, capture the flag football, water activities, tag and more!
Each participant will need to bring lunch, snacks and water from home. Items will be available for purchase from our vending machines and concession stand.
Camp participants will be sent a pre-camp information form to complete prior to the camp to notify us of any allergies, medications or other considerations that our staff will need to be aware of. You will also have the opportunity to register or before and after care at that point.
Before care is available from 8:00-9:00AM and after care is available from 4:00-5:00PM for an additional charge of $25 per week. *You can register for the extended hours on the pre-camp information form.
Camps will be held at our main facility, parents will sign in and pick up kids from the front office each day.
Our camps are open to a maximum of 40 kids each week, with an instructor to student ratio 10:1.
You may sign up for less than the five day camp at a charge of $65 per day, with a 2 day minimum. If your child is attending 4 days you will be charged the full weekly price of $275. You can contact our office to register for the daily rate.
No School?? Check out our Open Gym Sessions!